By: Clive Boulton
I strongly agree. SAP class business systems would need considerably less customization without a myrid of restrictive data features, and conversly, bennefit considerally from bots checking for...
View ArticleBy: Rich Farmbrough
Nonthless there is value in ontological checking of one’s belief system as Clive says above. This is only part of error control though.
View ArticleBy: Emw
“The world is complex. Wikidata aims to collect structured knowledge about this complex world.” The world is complex, but it has structure. Classes or types are a useful way to express that structure....
View ArticleBy: Denny Vrandecic
John H., I am sorry to do so. I really should be more conscious about the environment and recycle more. Or am I disappointing you in some other way? It would be helpful if you actually elaborate a...
View ArticleBy: John H.
Denny, I didn’t elaborate because Emw mostly did so for me. But since you asked, I will do so as well. Let’s start with your examples. The allowed value for the “country” property should not be “goat...
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